Friday 31st
If BREXIT means BREXIT it doesn’t have to be war
I have often returned to the subject of the dangers involved in providing fish for our tables, which concerned me further this week with clash between the French and English creating the so called ‘scallop war’. Fishing is dangerous enough without adding risk; fortunately nobody appeared to be injured in the confrontation. This is in a pre BREXIT era what would or will happen post BREXIT? Not so many years ago French Farmers were setting fire to British cattle trucks and we know the French in particular have a habit of being hands on when they have a dispute. It will be interesting once the politicians have signed the respective BREXIT documents (hard or soft) how the different elements on the ground and out there amongst the populist interpret and manage their areas of operation. I see potential trouble ahead.
Thursday 30th
Today we finally made it to the Sailor’s Church, Military Road, Ramsgate. Tucked away under the cliffs at the West end of the harbour, it’s a delightful visit for a half hour or so. On display are various artefacts including some lovely, albeit a little naïve model ships. The survival of the church is all credit to a dedicated few and the harbour area is richer for it. Linked originally to the Home for Smack Boys founded in 1881, which provided a refuge for sailors who had nowhere to go while in port and needed support. That need has most probably changed but being at sea can be lonely as it can in port. Reflecting in the church the words ‘for those in peril on the sea’ came to my mind, words I’ve always thought powerful from a young age.
With three fishermen being rescued this week off the Norfolk coast after their vessel got into difficulties and two others of their crew who slipped below the waves the Hymn Eternal Father reminds us that seafaring can be costly. When you next take a box of fish fingers out of the freezer please remember it didn’t come out of the sea like that.
A lovely coffee followed at the The Arch Café and Bar, which was welcome and we slowly solved all the problems of the world, except for Jeremy Corbyns who picked up another problem today with Frank Field resigning the Labour whip.
Wednesday 29th
Senator John McCain 1936 – 2018
Today we remember John McCain who succumbed to his cancer over the weekend. He was a high profile Senator for very many years, respected by both Republicans and Democrats in many areas, however it would seem not by the present incumbent of the White House. As a pilot in the US Navy he was apparently a risk taker having more than one flying incident and perhaps may have contributed to him being shot down over North Vietnam in 1967. This then confined him as a prisoner of war in the Hoa Lo Prison (The Hanoi Hilton), which is now a museum. His flying suit is a high profile exhibit among other items with much propaganda against the American operation. The museum also deals with the French involvement in Vietnam prior and you can understand their reasoning for painting the picture they do.
In 2008 I was in America during part of the presidential campaign between McCain and Obama and thought McCain had the edge over Obama but his biggest error, may have been choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. We will never know if he would have made a good president, what we do know he was a man of principle and was active to the very end. He challenged the current president on various issues and became a thorn in his side. This obviously got to Donald Trump by him instructing the flags in Washington to be returned to full mast early, a situation he has had to retract. Two men, one who achieved much the other holding high office whose legacy might be his Tweets or his shallow and erratic behaviour and not much else.
Rest in peace John McCain.
Tuesday 28th
James and Andrew’s Anniversary
Anniversaries just keep on coming and following on from the David and Marion Ruby Wedding, James and Andrew hit their 8th yesterday. It has always been a delight to have Andrew as part of our family as I hope it is for his family to have our James. Eight years compared to forty is a mere blip but in that time they have both shown love, care and commitment for each other as they have for the wider family. Congratulations you special guys and as we know time stands still for no one so capture every moment of your magical journey through life together.
Monday 27th
It’s Our BBC
Jeremy Corbyns latest rant targeting the BBC over the social status of its journalists and presenters is typical of the far left. He claims bias in their news reporting, saying it should be open and transparent, conversely politicians on the right claim the same, both can’t be right. The truth of the matter is more likely Corbyn doesn’t like to be asked difficult questions, which may be understandable but a territory any politician has to occupy as it’s openness and transparency we require of them. We have all seen politicians from all persuasions squirm when asked the pertinent question, if they fail to give a substantial and credible answer then they deserve to be put under journalistic pressure. The BBC has its faults as does any large organisation but just think for a moment what it delivers. Radio and Television, news (according to Friday’s Daily Telegraph the BBC is way out in front of all news media, with 62% of us getting news from BBC One, 26% from the News Channel, and 23% from their Website) current affairs, documentaries, education, drama, all genres of the arts and let’s be in no doubt no organisation in the world does more for music etc. etc. When you travel you realise just how special the BBC is and it’s the envy of the world, so politicians get your hands off the BBC. It’s our BBC not yours.
Sunday 26th
David and Marion Sackett’s Ruby Wedding
Today we celebrate the Ruby Wedding of David and Marion. 40 years is a long time and a great achievement, well done you two. Marriage is a partnership that has to be worked at to deliver a quality relationship and these two are a perfect example of this to us all.
Happy Anniversary Dave and Maz.
Saturday 25th
Allourlives Sunday Quiz
This week the Sunday Quiz moves to Saturday as tomorrow a special family milestone is reached.
Can you identify the location of this classic gantry signal box?
Post your answer or best guess at the bottom of the page on the comments facility. We will then see who is first with the correct answer and how many got it right or wrong.
Answer to last weeks quiz
V & A Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green, London
Only one entrant received this week that was nearly correct.
Louise posted:It’s the British toy museum in London! Definitely worth a visit!
Friday 24th
Marge’s Sisters Enjoy a Sugar Rush
After a few days together on holiday doing all those seaside things it had not only worn the little people out but Marge’s Sisters also hit the buffers. “What’s to be done” said one the other replied “comfort food is the answer”. Ice cream was duly ordered and the subsequent sugar rush did the trick. One of the sisters who was on a diet lost the plot and ordered a large chocolate thing hoping she would only see it the once and decided if she didn’t weigh herself the calories wouldn’t count. Who doesn’t like something a little sweet as a pick–me-up?
Thursday 23rd
Eric and Colin’s Jaunt
Today we ventured to the Folkestone Museum, which provided an excellent area for their displays. It fully encompassed children to its credit but concentrated on anthropology and palaeontology at the expense of social history. With the various anniversaries this year not least the end of WW1 100 years ago and Folkestone’s role over many conflicts I was expecting more on the latter. I guess you can’t please all the punters all of the time, however the Deal Maritime Museum, run entirely by volunteers covered the local maritime and social history, whereas the Folkestone Museum only fleetingly touched on it. Am I too critical, maybe, but still well worth a visit as one man’s meat is another’s poison, so to speak? One jewel at the museum was an exhibition of Kate Knight’s paintings entitled ‘Force of Nature’, which runs until 1st September.
Wednesday 22nd
Train Travel on the Marsh
With all the chaos associated with timetables on Southern Rail and beyond, Marge’s sisters were delighted there was no such problem on the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway. One of the little people found himself in Locomotive Heaven when Winston Churchill turned up as the prime mover. However Lapin was a little nervous as he had heard there was an abundance of Marsh harriers about.
What a delight the RH&DR is and has been since 1927, enthralling generations after generations. The only difficulty today was deciding who was going to sit next to whom.
Tuesday 21st
Camping on the Marsh
Some holiday on the Mediterranean others in Florida or Far East exotic locations. Marge’s Sisters have opted for the local option and taken their little people to Dr Syn Country and set up camp. The Romney Marsh was renowned for smuggling, particularly in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The only smuggling likely to be going on here tonight is sweets for that midnight feast.
Monday 20th
Kofi Annan 1938 – 2018
Over the weekend we learnt of the death of Kofi Annan the only black African to hold the post of Secretary General to the United Nations. As a Nobel Peace recipient and a softly spoken gentleman he proved that it’s not necessary to shout to deliver a strong message. His tenure at UN was over a very turbulent period including, as Under Secretary the genocide in Rwanda (1994) and the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia (1995) which the UN failed to prevent even though troops had been deployed to prevent both. Subsequently as Secretary General two major events, September the 11th and the second Iraq War. In respect of the latter he accused the USA (G W Bush’s Administration) of committing human rights abuse in the name of fighting terrorism.
R. I. P. Kofi Annan
Sunday 19th
Allourlives Sunday Quiz
Can you name this iconic national museum? As a clue, it’s the largest of its type in the world.
Post your answer or best guess at the bottom of the page on the comments facility. We will then see who is first with the correct answer and how many got it right or wrong.
Answer to last weeks quiz
The RNLI Lifeboat was Margate’s Mersey Class 12-20 Leonard Kent
No entrants this week.
Saturday 18th
Another Canterbury High Street Casualty
Today we learn that another Canterbury icon, Nasons is disappearing from the High Street after nearly 90 years. It’s a shame but I guess we are all guilty of shopping on-line for convenience and looking for that special bargain. The store also has some responsibility, as it isn’t joined up technically detracting from the shopping experience. Some parts will be sorely missed others not so. The ground floor café being an example, smelling of scorched milk as you walk through rather than the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. The Toy and the Cook shops will both be much missed, reducing our options in the town. The burning question is what will take its place? Yet more coffee shops, restaurants, another Wetherspoons or the ever-changing pop-up shops? Time alone will tell. Apart from Barretts at the bottom of the town this must be the last family company that was remaining in the centre of Canterbury.
R. I. P. Nasons Store.
Friday 17th
We learnt yesterday of the death of a true icon of the music and civil rights movement, Aretha Franklin. She finally succumbed after an extended period of dealing with Pancreatic Cancer. To get an indication of her power with the voice click on the link of the Kennedy Center Honors 2015 and see a Precedent wipe away a tear.
R. I. P. Dear Lady.
Thursday 16th
Eric and Colin’s Jaunt
Following on from last Thursdays wet experience and further rain predicted for today we elected for an indoor experience and returned to Faversham and the Creek Creative Gallery. Their current exhibition is abstract paintings by Liverpool artist Robert Young. An interesting range of images some understandable others, perhaps not so much. As previously reported the Gallery Kitchine Café as a venue is a perfect match of a café culture and art gallery, tasty morsels’ to delight your taste buds and interesting art to stimulate your senses.
On a grey August morning Abbey Street looked quite lovely, interesting how these small towns are slowly reinventing themselves.
Wednesday 15th
August Birthdays just keep on coming
Andrew is very special in this family and is always supportive of everything and everybody. Whether it’s travel, IT or finance he is your go to person. Most important of all he has time and care for all, young and old alike and for that we are all truly grateful.
Yesterday he celebrated a special birthday and it would be rude to disclose his age but he has now entered into his third score year period. Enjoy your on-going celebrations Andrew.
Tuesday 14th
A Cool Cat in a Pool
When the weathers chilled and the little people have returned to their gadgets it opens up an opportunity for a feline. With a pneumatic rim we have to hope it’s all paws and not claws. A cat will always take advantage of a neighbour’s garden.
Monday 13th
Boris and the Burka
A week on from Boris Johnsons’ article in the Daily Telegraph in which he was supporting the right to wear the burka but used disparaging language in describing it, I decided to let the story run it’s coarse but now feel it’s time to comment.
Firstly, in this country we have free speech and always had the ability to mock ourselves, with some success. In this case we have a privileged white male apparently joking at the expense of someone’s religious belief for political advantage. However, this is not a new phenomenon as Institutions, including religious ones have been the bread and butter of the musical theatre and satirist for millennium, often becoming a great leveller, so why should his remarks make such a kafuffle? The answer I guess is we are afraid of Islam in this age of Islamic conflict. There’s a plethora of jokes about nun’s habits, clerical collars etc. so why should comments about Islamic clothing be any different? We’re able to discuss both abortion and birth control, which are highly contentious in some faiths but we’re grown up enough to have that debate without fear.
Were his comments insensitive? To some, yes.
Were they blasphemous? I don’t think so.
Were his comments calculated? Without a doubt.
Should he apologise? I don’t think so.
If all the purveyors of religious jokes had to apologise every time they made a joke we would lose our national sense of humour and part of our unique culture. Should we therefore differentiate between comedians and politicians in respect of humorous/controversial comments? Historically many high office politicians have made far more controversial comments without this furore.
Have we arrived at a time when a minority in a religion can gag free speech? Are we not allowed to observe what anything looks like? Can we not have an opinion?
In the final analysis why are we getting all upset about a Boris’ alleged diatribe when as a country we have ‘The Life of Brian’ as one of our all time favourite films? I appreciate it is a film parody of a white mans religion written by white men but it upset a lot of those white people. As a stereotype white middleclass male I don’t make a judgement here but do defend our openness as a country. For an alternative observation on the wearing of the burka click on the link below for a female Muslim’s view, which includes the dangers: –
The item is not new but relevant to todays subject.
Sunday 12th
Where would you be if you were this Kent RNLI Lifeboat?
Post your answer or best guess at the bottom of the page on the comments facility. We will then see who is first with the correct answer and how many got it right or wrong.
The Kentish Beach the Lady Irene was on was Deal
Two correct answers this week, Pam and Louise. Pam was first back so is the winner this week. Well done both and thanks for entering.
Saturday 11th
Once a Showman always a Showman
This little chap has always been special but a little extravert entertaining all of us around him but rather than dressing up now he try’s hard to look like Mr Cool. Today he celebrates his Birthday and has made the great age of thirty something. Does he achieve the Mr Cool look? I will leave it to you to decide.
Happy Birthday James, have a great day.
Friday 10th
Blooming Runner Beans
With a full day of rain yesterday the current Mrs Smith is hoping the moisture will set the bloom on her runner beans. She has had one picking so far but it was only the one bean. Don’t think she will be entering the longest bean competition any time soon.
Thursday 9th
Eric and Colin’s Jaunt
So here we are in the middle of a long hot summer but today our original plan had to be abandoned because of rain. Fortunately us two old codgers had a plan ‘B’, which involved a chat and a coffee at JD Wetherspoon’s Royal Victorian Pavilion in Ramsgate. In the words of the late, great Terry Wogan, ‘mustn’t grumble’.
Wednesday 8th
It’s all Gnashes and Ganache at Smith Towers
There’s Delia and then there’s the current Mrs Smith, but when it comes to birthday cakes the latter is always up for the challenge. Two days on from Erin’s birthday it’s time to judge the Neapolitan extravaganza. General consensus was it was a success and a tasty delight, although Mrs Smith was not happy with her Ganache. It looked and tasted lovely so passed the Smith Kid Test with flying colours. I wonder what delight will be requested for the next birthday to challenge Mrs Smith? For the moment the feeling here is get your gnashes round your Ganache.
Tuesday 7th
Cicadas sing for Madame Ophilie
Madame Ophilie our French correspondent has been monitoring recent blogs and was pleased the UK was also experiencing very hot weather. Temperatures in her Department (Lot) have reached 41° in the shade and the cicadas sing loudly. Fortunately Château Bernard-Spiers has an 11,000-litre rain catchment tank, which has brought some comfort for the kitchen garden and thirsty flowers. If the weathers hot and there’s plenty of water and you’re a Tomato then you’re in Tomato Heaven. Just right for a sad ballad or is that a bad salad? Now that’s a very old joke.
Monday 6th
Happy Birthday Erin
Once upon a time there was a little baby girl called Erin and then someone blinked and she was eight. How does that happen?
Have a lovely day Miss Erin; enjoy everything that comes your way today.
Lots of love
Nan and Granddad
Sunday 5th
Which Kentish Beach would you be on if you was the Lady Irene?
Post your answer or best guess at the bottom of the page on the comments facility. We will then see who is first with the correct answer and how many got it right or wrong.
Answer to last weeks quiz
The Victorian Bandstand is on the East Cliff, Ramsgate
Two correct answers this week, James and Jo. James was first back so is the winner this week. Well done both and thanks for entering.
Saturday 4th
BREXIT and the Harlequins
Long before BREXIT some saw migration as a problem and in 2004 the Harlequins were introduced into the UK. This was pre the Banking Crisis so resources were at sustainable levels but still they came in. So who were the Harlequins? They were Harlequin Ladybirds originally from Japan, which have been introduced around the World to control Aphids and are now a dominant species in the UK, at the expense of our native Ladybirds. Spotted at Smith Towers this week hiding away in a Echinops Ritro was one such creature. RHS advice is because they’re here in such large numbers there’s nothing you can do to eradicate them so they have to be encompassed. Would BREXIT have prevented their introduction? Questions on a postcard to; Jacob Rees-Mogg or Sajid Javid or should it be to that nice Mr Gove (Govey)?
Friday 3rd
Antipodean Wildlife Observation
Jilly our Antipodean Wildlife Correspondent’s assessment of the decline in our bee population is the result of a virus, which up to now Australia had avoided but it has affected New Zealand. This is correct for the Honeybee population but not the Bumblebee, their problem is the decline of habitat. One local success story is the reintroduction of Bumblebees on the Romney Marshes in co-operation with farmers and land owners and has had some success. Smith Towers’ bee population appear much stronger now with both Honeybees and Bumblebees, the result of a long hot summer? Maybe.
Thursday 2nd
Today we ventured to Gillingham and the Royal Engineers Museum at Brompton. An excellent visit, but as is often the case too much to take in in one visit. The first impressive room was devoted to the Battle of Waterloo, with an interactive table, which provided excellent information making for a better understanding of events. This was followed by an account of the Rorke’s Drift attack by Zulus and Lt. Gonville Bromhead (Michael Caine to you and me if you’re a film buff) in particular. Currently they are running a special Victoria Cross exhibition, which is awe-inspiring but throughout the museum they kept coming up in display after display. The medal is quite small and modest in design but its significance cannot be ignored. Wheelchair access was good, although the lift to the cafeteria was out of action they had provided seating on the ground floor. The staff were very pleasant and helpful, well worth a visit but be prepared for a return visit as you won’t take it all in one.
Wednesday 1st
Canterbury City Council Need A Vision
Since the end of WW2 Canterbury City Council have made some poor decisions and failed to provide joined-up planning or a central focal point. In my opinion it’s rebuild has been developer lead providing a mishmash of buildings. The relief road built in the sixties was too close to the centre and stole our moat, which was a lovely green space and now they want to build more houses than the city’s infrastructure can support. One thing that has been a success is the pedestrianisation of much of the city centre, however it’s not without it’s problems. Every road junction has an expanse of Granite sets, which are difficult to traverse.
As a wheelchair user, mine is a self-propelled type with large wheels at the rear, which helps, but the sets are so uneven and aggressive that it shakes one up considerably. If you have an attendant propelled model with four small wheels it must be a nightmare. Running concurrently with pedestrianisation was a replacement program of the conventional paving slabs with York Stone style, which are equally challenging for wheelchair users. They do look rustic along with the granite sets and that’s nice but it all has to be practical also.
I love your photos of the bees! Your photos are always interesting. Thank you! ?
Thanks Ruth. Always nice to receive your positive comments.
Take care
My guess is Deal
Correct answer Pam, well done. Thanks for entering and your continued support.
Definitely Deal! ⛵️
Correct answer Lou, unfortunately Pam was back first but seconds not bad. Thanks for participating.
Always loved that photo of Erin. Happy Biirthday to her! Lucy x
Thanks for your comment Lucy.
She’s cute just like her Granddad. lol
Amazing true icon, great blog Dad. X
Thanks Jo xx
It’s the British toy museum in London! Definitely worth a visit! ????⛵️
Quiz answer- is it Canterbury West Colin? Great blogs this week- not sure the Marge’s sisters reference was meant to be for public posts! ???
Happy Anniversary Maz and Dave! ?
Well done Louise, Canterbury West is the location of the signal box.
I was also wondering if the quiz photo was of the Canterbury West Station, but I’m not so sure any more!!
Well done Ruth, Canterbury West Station is the home of the signal box.
Wonderful to see the anniversaries Colin – best wishes to all.
Hope the Summer hasnt worn you out too much and looking forward to seeing you on our ship site
Very best wishes
Thanks for your kind comment Howard. Not completely worn out by summer and still able to put one foot in front of the other. lol Hoping to get back to the ship site soon, having to manage resources a bit. Take care.
Greatly looking forward to the 2019 Hilltop Calendar! I hope there will be some of your beautiful photos Colin.
Hi Ruth
Competition standards will be high, so we will have to wait and see.
Take care